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Learn How to Simplify Your AV System with Crestron

Crestron Audio-Video Distribution Makes Entertainment Effortless

Learn How to Simplify Your AV System with Crestron

If you are the type of person that loves form and function equally and tends to like "less is more" as a design ethos, you’ll take interest in this blog.

Some people get frustrated with their audio and video setups. Why? Often, folks add components piecemeal rather than completely replacing a system. The result may be a smattering of different remote controls, cable or satellite boxes, streaming devices, and stereo systems that don’t all work the same way and don’t have complementary features.

Most people's homes are likely setup this way. Perhaps you are looking at a significant remodel or buying a new home. Instead of taking all your current equipment with you, consider a new system that allows every type of AV entertainment to be accessed in every room of your new abode. Intrigued? Let AVL Pro, your local Crestron dealer in Naples, FL, show you the simplicity of an AV distribution system.

Keep reading to learn more.

Are You Remodeling or Building a New Home?

Incorporate Smart Home Automation from the Start with Control4

Are You Remodeling or Building a New Home?

With the prevalence of smart home devices available today, chances are if you are remodeling or building a new home, smart technology and automation are high on your list of "must-haves" for your new residence. With all the devices available from your local big-box store or Amazon, should you go the do-it-yourself (DIY) route?

DIY is certainly an option, but AVL Pro believes you will get more satisfaction and use out of your system with an integrated approach, the type offered by Control4 home automation solutions. Why? Because a Control4 system is specifically designed to make all the smart home technology in your Naples, FL home work better together.

There is no better time to consider home automation than when you are designing your new home, and that’s why it’s critical to bring in a professional like AVL Pro early in the process. Read on to see why.

Is Your Home Overflowing with New Smart Devices From the Holidays?

Keep Your Home Network Humming with a Professional Installation

Is Your Home Overflowing with New Smart Devices From the Holidays?

Everywhere you look, there’s a new smart device. The term smart device sometimes means different things to different people, but there’s no escaping them in today’s world. Your smartphone, tablet, and laptop are all smart devices. The definition of a smart device is one that has some intelligence to act autonomously and interactively, and one that can connect to a network for control and other purposes.

What do all these devices have in common? They all connect to a network and the internet through some type of network protocol. And that means your home network has to be up to the task.

Chances are, you received some new smart devices this holiday season. Whether it's a new iPad, smart speaker, or 4K smart TV, these devices all need to connect to your network. Is your system ready for the load?

AVL PRO has been a professional home network installer in the Naples and Southwest Florida area for over a decade, so we know how to keep your network running even with the onslaught of all the new smart devices. Keep reading to see how you can keep all those devices running at peak performance – and keep the whole family happy.

Why Lighting Control Should be Part of Your Home’s Design

Every Home Should be Seen in the Best Light

Why Lighting Control Should be Part of Your Home’s Design

Often, people talk about a home feeling “dark.” Many factors play into this feeling, such as windows, window treatments, wall colors, ceiling heights, and even the weather outside. However, if that home had a well-designed lighting plan and the lights were appropriately layered, chances are you would have felt a feeling of spaciousness.

Such is the power of light – it influences us. If you are building a new home or remodeling, lighting should be a critical design consideration.

What’s the solution? Bring in a home lighting control and design expert into your next Bonita Springs, FL residential project. Read on to see how AVL Pro can help.