1 Critical Component of Any Home Surveillance System
Embrace a More Proactive Approach to Your Home Security

Home surveillance systems have been around for decades, and for just as long they’ve consisted of mostly the same components—cameras, sensors of various sorts, alarm panels, and storage for your recordings.
As the years have passed and home security systems have become more secure, all of these components have become progressively more sophisticated (many newer systems have cameras that benefit from machine learning and analytics to more effectively reduce false alarms or focus on surveilling key areas of your home), but the basics haven’t changed much.
However, there have been advances in other areas of smart home technology that have helped our customers in Naples, FL introduce one key component to their home surveillance system that improves it far beyond what traditional ones can offer—a Control4 system.
SEE ALSO: Can a Smart Home System Keep You More Secure?
Most Home Surveillance Is Reactive—Control4 Is Proactive
The majority of home surveillance systems are not proactive deterrents but rather reactive systems that help once someone has already done something to or around your home. Your cameras react when they spot someone, even if they’re doing so in a sophisticated way (by setting up zones of surveillance or virtual tripwires, for example).
The same can be said of alarms and sensors—they’re not doing anything to prevent the glass in your windows from being broken in the first place or your door getting kicked in.
In fact, the only truly proactive piece of your system might be the sign in your front yard indicating that you have a system in the first place, or possibly by placing your cameras in conspicuous places.
Control4 is different. The Control4 system has a feature that can be genuinely considered proactive and is designed to actively deter criminals or vandals—Mockupancy.
As you can probably guess from the name of this feature, Mockupancy (if your system is integrated with both your light and audio-video systems) schedules your lights and audio-video equipment to turn on and off in a pattern that appears natural.
This is not the same as just leaving the lights on when you lock up and head out on vacation. This is a constant and changing pattern that can’t be easily differentiated from the way you would use your lights and TVs if you were at home. This can deter criminals in a way that cameras and alarm systems just can’t.
Thieves are looking for the path of least resistance. If they think you’re home, you’ll be less of a target and they’ll move on the next property on their list.
Let’s Build You a Robust Home Surveillance System
Every home is different, and every homeowner has different needs. Let’s find out what you and your family need and discuss how to achieve it. We work with customers all over Southwest Florida to build the right system at the right price, and we can do the same for you. Contact us today via our contact form, give us a call or chat with us below.