Landscape Lighting as Unique as Your Outdoor Space
Choose a Landscape Lighting System that Fits Your Needs

Landscape lighting is a fun way to highlight the unique features of anyone's outdoor space. But, choosing a solution for your home is far from one-size-fits-all. So, whether you want to add highlighted accents to a yard of darkness or transform an area for fun nighttime activities, begin by assessing your space for areas of opportunity. Many landscape lighting system options are available in Naples and surrounding areas to help make your outdoor space a luxurious nighttime retreat.
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Finding Your Unique Spaces
When considering the potential placement of outdoor lighting, think carefully about the areas of your yard. Perhaps go for a nighttime stroll to discover where light could be helpful. The first areas you'll notice illumination is needed will be functional areas, such as walkways, decks/patios, stairs or steps, and a pool (if you have one). These functional areas are important to light for the safety of family or visitors using your outdoor space at night.
Consider other areas of nighttime use that could use additional light for security and safety reasons. Doorways, garages and sheds are examples of these areas.
Next, consider areas where light could add drama or interest. For example, do you have architectural elements like walls, fountains, benches or a pond? Perhaps there's a tree that would look beautiful in shadow. These types of lighting effects are what make your yard unique to you.
After determining where you may place lighting for your outdoor lighting system, you can then consider what types of fixtures you may want to use. Again, there are many great options for lighting fixtures, and your choices may depend on where you want to brighten and what you are illuminating.
Spotlights and floodlights are two options for adding a dramatic effect to elements in your yard, such as fountains, trees and other landscape features. A spotlight provides a thin and direct line of light on the item, while a floodlight offers a much wider light spray. In addition, use spotlights and floodlights in uplighting and downlighting effects to add visual interest.
Illuminate walkways, patios or decks with inground lighting. This type of light fixture is hidden from view, either buried in the ground or built into the decking and can supply the necessary lighting without a lot of visual distraction.
Post lights are also a nice option for illuminating walkways. There are many interesting and unique design options available for post lighting. If you choose to use them, staggering the posts down a walkway can add a neat visual element.
Lighting Design
If you're unsure which lighting elements would be best to highlight your yard's unique features, contact us for help with lighting design and control.. Our lighting experts can help plan an outdoor lighting system that delights and best meets your needs.